
Advertise with us

Please make full use of the marketing opportunities offered via the MEA’s website, publications and Connect Platform. You can advertise your products, events and services to a focused and influential audience with proven interests.

Our reach includes MEA members, business and government contacts in the UK and in the region, as well as other business organisations working with the Middle East and North Africa; this creates a powerful opportunity for your brand to receive significant exposure.

The Middle East Association (MEA) is a not for profit organisation, all revenue generated via your membership subscriptions, event attendance, sponsorship and advertising contributes to the running of the MEA; it enables us to deliver frequent high-profile networking and informative events, as well as provide you with relevant tenders and market opportunities.

MEA Website

The MEA website delivers updates on news and tenders in the region, promotes Middle East related events and activities,  lists country profiles and delivers business intelligence directly to the desks of decision makers.

Our website is the hub for all information regarding the MEA and its activities.

MEA Connect

The MEA Connect is our interactive member platform where we post frequent updates on the region ranging from monthly economic briefing videos, and recordings of webinars and events to market opportunities and regulatory updates. The platform allows you to connect and interact with other members on the platform, share relevant documents and media, and work on projects together.

MEA Newsletter

The MEA Newsletter currently reaches thousands of business associates of the Middle East Association every month.

The Newsletter delivers essential intelligence relating to doing business in the region; this includes regional news, tender opportunities, details of forthcoming regional, national and international events relating to the Middle East and North Africa, trade missions and partner events – all in easy to read format at the start of every month.

MEA Members receive a 20% discount on all advertising rates. 

The MEA is your business gateway to doing business in the Middle East and North Africa.